Dive into Pool Safety: Enjoy Summer with Peace of Mind

As swimming pool season has kicked off, there’s nothing like a refreshing dip to beat the heat. To ensure you and your loved ones can relax safely by the pool all summer long, here’s an insurance perspective on pool safety. Share these tips with any pool owners you know!

Safety First

Constant Supervision: Always have an adult closely monitoring pool activities, especially when children are around. Even a brief distraction can lead to accidents.

Secure the Area: Install a fence with a self-closing, self-latching gate around your pool to prevent unsupervised children or pets from falling in.

Safety Equipment: With over 6,000 children under 15 treated annually for pool-related injuries, it’s crucial to have life-saving tools like life rings, ropes, and a first aid kit readily available. Ensure everyone knows where these items are and how to use them.

Liability Considerations

Owning a pool increases your liability risk. If a guest or trespasser gets injured in your pool, you could be financially responsible for their medical expenses and other damages. Here’s how to be proactive:

Review Your Policy: Make sure your homeowner’s policy is up-to-date and includes the necessary liability coverage.

Consider Umbrella Insurance: For added protection, an umbrella policy offers extra liability coverage beyond your standard homeowner’s insurance. This can safeguard your financial security against substantial claims.

By prioritizing safety and ensuring you have the right insurance coverage, you can enjoy your pool with peace of mind this summer.

If you have any questions, recently installed a pool, made updates to an existing one, or know someone who might need coverage, feel free to reach out. Enjoy a safe and happy summer!

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